Re: GPS BASICS: WAS:Re: BASICS: Property Rights

Spike Jones (
Sat, 12 Dec 1998 10:25:43 -0800

Eugene Leitl wrote:

> Michael Lorrey writes:
> > > Actually, what's the point in sending a Tomahawk from an off-shore
> > > Destroyer or human-piloted fighter/bomber, when you can send
> > > something up in a parabolic trajectory that uses GPS to steer while
> > > decending upon its target?
> I'm not sure, but don't you get EM shielding during atmospheric
> reentry due to the plasma screen?

yes. this is a major shortcoming of gps guided exoatmospheric devices. at typical reentry velocities you have only a very few (typically 3) seconds to reacquire gps and react. this might be enough, if you are already verrrrry close to your indended trajectory... spike