Extropian science fiction short story

Phil Goetz (goetz@zoesis.com)
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 16:46:00 -0400 (EDT)

I have a story called "I" in this month's _Odyssey_ (issue 6), a British science fiction magazine. (I was going to call it "We", but that's already taken.) I haven't seen it yet, but hear that it's out now. I don't know what bookstores or newsstands might carry it. Borders and Barnes & Nobles do not.

It may be the first published story to present the positive side of technological transhumanism. (This shouldn't be so, but at the moment I can't think of other examples. The closest I can think of is Frederick Pohl's "Day Million", but that still posits a society in which identity and morality and sexuality are pretty much the same as today.)

The story is about what identity really means, and what the costs and benefits of individuality are. It's set a few hundred years in the future. Life is no longer organic, and identities are no longer defined by bodies.

Phil goetz@zoesis.com