Natasha Vita More (fka Nancie Clark) wrote:
> At 08:38 AM 10/4/98 -0500, you wrote:
> I like your suggestions for light/sound
> machines.
> Natasha
There are many other technologies/techniques that can have a profound impact on
subjective experience. Some are as simple as, (I know that this may sound
silly. but I've actually used this technique to stop patients from going into
shock) looking cross-eyed and thinking without using words. I believe that this
works for anxiety reduction due to a quirk of neuroanatomy. It also doesn't
seem to work for everybody. Sustained exercise (distance running,etc)
stimulates endorphin production - the runner's high. Consistent use of
megadoses of Vitamin C inhibit the enzyme system that breaks down those
endorphins-raises pain threshhold, has anti-depressant effects and in my
experience produces a great sense of wellbeing. I read about both of these
techniques, tried them, and found both to be useful tools. There are many
others but these have the advantages of being cheap and not needing much
practice to be effective.
When speaking of trancending human limitations, one must not forget that many
of what we think of as limitations are those which we set for ourselves. See
sig line below.
-- Dennis Roberts Boost your website with our start-up page! "Do not be deceived by...some false secondary power, by which, in weakness, we create distinctions, then deem that our puny boundaries are things which we percieve, and not which we have made." --- Wordsworth