Re: YES > STEVE's (small correction...) Re: New option: Leave

Prof. Gomes (
Thu, 4 Dec 1997 14:34:15 -0300

At 12:53 04/12/97 -0300, you wrote:
>YES ! Reaches both objectives:
>1.Of extropians members and
>2. Of extropians by heart ... (or brain...)
>Obs: {1} ^ {2} .NE. { } , obviously...

Please, forgimme... hehehe....just a little glass of beer at a social
reunion... hehehe

>At 16:57 02/12/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>At 09:01 AM 12/2/97 +0000, Steve Van Sickle wrote:
>>>Max said:
>>>> Instead, we could leave the Extropians list as it is, and create a new,
>>>> additional list, say ExI-Members, or Extropians-Special, or
>>>> Extropians-Insider (or whatever has the appropriate elitist ring to it :)
>>>> ). That would leave this list more open, but mean we have a more filtered,
>>>> probably higher S/N list, with clear guidelines for members, so we would
>>>> still have a new members-only benefit to add to the other membership
>>>This list is sponsored by ExI itself, yes? Its going to be the
>>>first place newcomers look, since they will want to see the "main"
>>>list (even though that would not be accurate). First impressions are
>>>important. Why not do it the other way? Make this, the "main",
>>>unhyphenated list members only post, everyone read, and create a
>>>Extropians-Free for All list. Make the Extropians FfA deliberately
>>>*anything goes*, [....]
>>Thanks for your suggestion, Steve. I like it. I'm watching the feedback --
>>thanks to all for your input. Currently I'm inclining towards Steve's
>>version of my suggestion. I'd like to decide by the end of this week.
>>Max More, Ph.D.
>>President, Extropy Institute:,