Transhuman gender bibliography--in process

Kathryn Aegis (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 20:29:30 +0000

I haven't been ignoring the repeated requests to post a gender
bibliography, it's just that my response has been severely delayed!
I am in the process of formatting something that can be uploaded to a
web page, and I will post the URL when it is completed.

Rather than attempt an exhaustive listing, I have chosen those
resources of particular interest and usage within a transhumanist
context. I agree with the suggestions to include in the topic areas
aquatic ape theory (pro and con), science fiction, specific
terminology, and gender-free pronouns. (Any contributions welcome now
and in future--TIA. Also, Marc Verhaegen, your AAT bibliography is
still coming through completely scrambled!)


Kathryn Aegis