Damien Broderick (
Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:09:11 +0000

Visiting the Reconstructive Surgery unit this morning (if you must know,
I'm having my penis redone to resemble Bill Clinton's), I said to the
charming young doctor, after she'd finished scrutinising my radiograms,
`There's one other thing, quite unconnected - I had a blood test a few
weeks back and turned out to have shocking high cholesterol. Of course I
have now changed my life-style from top to toe, and I'm wondering how soon
it would be useful to get retested?' She gazed at my with indignation and
cried, `I'm a *plastic surgeon*!'

Mortified by my social gaffe, I mumbled my apologies, and she added,
`Probably six weeks.'

Amazing, I thought. Here I am, on the net, surrounded by people happy to
offer arcane items of info - from their professional stock or gleaned from
hungry curiosity - and this not-at-all-pretentious woman was genuinely if
briefly taken aback that I should expect her to recall something so
low-level, so beneath her status.

[Um. This stifled outburst is probably the result of just having browsed
in the ferociously intelligent and widely curious home page of

kristen brennan <>

at ]

Damien Broderick