Re: Bill Gates

Michael Lorrey (
Sat, 04 Oct 1997 10:55:54 -0400 wrote:
> hi
> Somebody gave me a web site linking Bill Gates to 666. His name adds up to
> 666 in ASCII code. Also, the Pope's official name adds up to 666 in roman
> numerals.
> here it is:
> sorry if i already added this to the list, i cant remember if i sent it or
> not.

The funny thing is, by ASCII code, his name in numbers does not add up
to 666, contrary to Mac/Fundamentalists everywhere. It only adds up to
666 if you count his last last name (I don't know the proper term for
it) of III (as in The Third) as being either 111 as in one -one -one,
which it is not, it is roman numerals III and three I's in ascii don't
add up to 3, which would be the neccessary result to get 666 as a sum
for his whole name, or you'd have to call that name as "3", which would
be wrong, because if you used arabic numerals, it would be 3rd for
"third" so ascii is off again. This is one more example of idiots not
doing their homework.

			Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------	Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?