Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: zeb haradon (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 19:15:42 MST

Well, it's pretty obvious to me what's going on.
Eliezer has spent years creating various personalities on this list. Each
one of these people he seems to know everything about is actually him.
Nicq's words and beliefs, right down to the Crowley quote in the signature,
come on! Did anyone believe that wasn't fake?
In fact, I am just a creation of Eliezer too. One of dozens (Maybe everyone
is except you). I will now followup this post with another post from Eliezer
(who is actually me) giving information about the fictional character of

>From: "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <>
>Subject: Re: Reason +/-Faith
>Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 17:11:48 -0500
>"S.J. Van Sickle" wrote:
> >
> > Hmmm....
> >
> > This has gone from slightly creepy to interesting. What can you find
> > about me? It might be instructive...
>The "S" in your name stands for Solomon, Sally, and Steve. You live in
>South Dakota, Washington D.C., and Minneapolis. Your girlfriend is named
>Donna and you have a younger brother named Jerry. "Van Sickle" isn't
>your real name; you picked it because you saw it on the back of an ice
>cream truck during an identity crisis, and your actual last name is
>Williamson. You will meet a tall, dark stranger.
>-- -- -- -- --
>Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
>Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Zeb Haradon (
My personal webpage:
A movie I'm directing:

"Fish fuck in it." - W. C. Fields answer to why he never drank water.

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