Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Emlyn (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2000 - 17:56:06 MST

> Eli wrote:
> > I currently don't have anyone feeding me information. Everything you've
> > seen so far, I did on my own. I considered trying to contact a roommate
> > at St. Thomas to find out the name of your cat, but that would be too
> > trouble. I do need to draw the line somewhere.
> >
> > *You* have to stop feeding *me* additional information, though, or this
> > all gets much less impressive - what do you think this is, a palm
> > reading? Saying that you chat on #thee_vortex really takes the impact
> > of my calling you "an eighteen-year-old chaos mage", which, by the way,
> > knew beforehand, but too late now. Likewise with the "on the cusp"
> > which blew the January 19th bit, forcing me to use the actual
> > date-of-birth for verification. I was saving it for later. Sigh...
> As amusing as this is, it is getting a bit stalker-like for my taste.
> you go play PI with someone else, Eli?
> Al

I'm finding it pretty interesting, actually. What have the transparent
society guys got to say about this?


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