Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Nicq MacDonald (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 22:05:55 MST

> > paradigm, but it's a wonderful way to live one's life. In my opinion,
> > best philosophy isn't that which achieves the most universal happiness,
> > the one that tells the best story in the end. Wars, revolutions, love,
> > hate, death- this is what makes life interesting!
> Ah! Spoken like someone who has never actually experienced *any* of those
> things.

Exactly. And I probably never will, unfortunately. It seems that all
authentic experiences are being replaced with mediated fantasies and
simulations... war is something that I read about. There are no revolutions
left. I've never really loved or hated anyone. I'm not sure if I'll even
get the priviledge of dying. I don't feel like I'm even alive half the
time. If these are all so terrible, why do I long for them?

> Oh, yes. Great stories. Even lived to tell them.

And I appreciate your telling of them. I'm afraid I don't have any stories
to tell.

> Can't say much for the philosophies that made them, though.

But you wouldn't have the tales to tell without the philosophies that
created them.

> Can't say much for you, either.

You just don't know me.

-Nicq MacDonald

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