Re: Reason +/-Faith

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Sun Dec 10 2000 - 18:36:05 MST

That's "sieg". And it sounds like much heat, little light.
Fighting/arguing/epithets wins out again over
thinking/exploring/reasoning. *Sigh*

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 05:42 PM 10/12/00 -0800, Nicq MacDonald wrote:
> >best philosophy isn't that which achieves the most universal happiness, but
> >the one that tells the best story in the end. Wars, revolutions, love,
> >hate, death- this is what makes life interesting!
> >> > Well then, zeig heil!
> [Greg Burch understandably had asked:]
> >> I wonder what this could mean.
> >Extrobots seldom seem to grasp the concept of "meaning".
> And here I was supposing charitably that Nicq in his ignorance couldn't
> tell the difference between a `trouper' (someone communicating with gusto
> from the stage) and a storm trooper (someone feeding the gas ovens with
> live human victims), and that he was therefore stupidly using the Nazi slur
> *against* me.
> Whereas it now looks as if he's in *favour* of troopers, war, hate and
> death (as well as some more benign stuff) for the Nietzschean pizzazz it
> provides in an otherwise dull life subject to harmonious Apollonian reason
> rather than unchecked Dionysian frenzy. Count me out of your Zieg Heil
> [spelling corrected].
> Damien Broderick

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