RE: Immortality

From: White, Ryan (
Date: Wed Dec 06 2000 - 15:41:03 MST

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Joel Thompson


To that end (and for the sake of brevity,) I invite you to engage the
discussion at hand by means of the following question:

Does the initial discrete reality experiencer transition into a new
substrate upon the creation of a copy?


Ryan v24.5 writes:

Inquiry1: What is meant by 'transition'?

Inquiry2: Is what is meant by 'transition', in the context of originals and
copies, fundamentaly different than a 'transition' between 'states' along
the (supposedly) unbifurcated timeline of you or 'I', from past into
present, at each iteration? If so, how do you mean?

Inquiry3: If you are John Clark, would you believe that each iteration might
be a 'thought'?

Inquiry4: What is contained by the context 'reality experiencer'?

Assertion1: 'I' am in agreement with the statement that we are processes, or
patterns of events, but as to whether what 'I' consider 'I' is actually
discrete in the first place, 'I' continue to ponder.

Assertion2: 'I' am also beginning to question whether or not a 'thought' is

Ryan v24.5

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