Re: 4 Corners of the Earth? (was Re: Privacy now and in the future...)

Date: Sun Dec 03 2000 - 20:06:57 MST

In a message dated 12/3/00 6:58:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:<< Anybody know whether there is really
 such a ref in the good book? -Zero >>

    It is something to the effect about there being angels at the four
corners of the Earth. I think today you will find that is generally
interpreted as meaning the entire earth is watched over.
    You have to be a little careful about the change in language used up to
four thousand years ago and the way it is used today.
    I heard a preacher, last summer, mention being in Hebrew class in
seminary and having an assignment to translate a certain section of the old
testament. He was certain he had made a laughably inaccurate translation
because he read it as God telling one of the prophets, "Go into the
wilderness and bury your underwear." His instructor being well aware of the
sentence pressed the student for a translation and got the young guy's best
effort, "Go into the wilderness and bury your underwear." The instructor
enjoyed a chuckle along with the rest of the class and then complimented the
student on his accuracy.
    It turned out that in that day only the upper class wore underwear. The
prophet was really being told in the language of the day to go to the
wilderness and get rid of his hoity toity habits of thought.
Ron h.

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