Re: Marriage!

From: Nicq MacDonald (
Date: Sat Dec 02 2000 - 21:47:42 MST

> > maybe we should add love there too :-)
> Good idea! Add love to AI:
> AI + L = AIL
> Oh, well. A sick machine intelligence might evolve to a weak Singularity.
> Perhaps if Stalin had been more lovesick, he wouldn't have caused the
> murder of thirty million of his people. Then again, maybe he *was*
> lovesick and that's what motivated his murderous attitude.

Perhaps you're defining love the wrong way. Is obsessive, lovesick, longing
truly love?

Love is best defined as a strong attraction between two entities for the
purpose of creation- creation of what is defined by the nature of the
entities. Although we tend to limit the definition of love to friendships,
erotically attached couples, family relations, and theological concerns,
these are merely human expressions of the force we call love- on an
interpersonal and cosmic scale. An atom, a bacterium, and a transhuman AI
all express love in their own way- below or beyond our comprehension.

-Nicq MacDonald

"We do progress, but how? Not by the tinkering of the meliorist; not by the
crushing of initiative; not by laws and regulations which hamstring the
racehorse, and handcuff the boxer; but by the innovations of the eccentric,
by the phantasies of the hashish-dreamer of philosophy, by the aspirations
of the idealist to the impossible, by the imagination of the revolutionary,
by the perilous adventure of the pioneer. Progress is by leaps and bounds,
by breaking from custom, by working on untried experiments; in short, by the
follies and crimes of men of genius, only recognizable as wisdom and virtue
after they have been tortured to death, and their murderers reap gloatingly
the harvest of the seeds they sowed at midnight." -Aleister Crowley, "On
Original Sin"

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