Re: Civilization and Enemies, was Re: CONFESSIONS OF A CHEERFUL LIBERTARIAN By David Brin

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Dec 01 2000 - 14:40:51 MST

"Michael M. Butler" wrote:
> Not to fan any acrimony flames, but given that information wants to be
> free, how do you plan to achieve privacy in 2005? In 2010? In 2020?

When did information tell you it wanted to be free? (I hope you are not
hearing voices) Be honest: you are cheap, and want your information to
be free. Try not to identify too much with the object of your work. If
identifying with material inanimate objects is unhealthy, identifying
with immaterial inanimate objects is even more so.

> The evolution of cooperation stuff indicates that rough parity among all
> players is essential for cooperation to be a good strategy. Pure
> individualism in its rawest form is hard to distinguish from
> pyschopathology unless the observer has confidence in the shared values
> of the observed. Think Mickey and Mallory in _Natural Born Killers_.

There is a significant difference between individualism and
socio/psychological killers, liberty is not about nihilism.

> The mantra you mention is far from valueless to me. Please don't make me
> your enemy just yet.
> Principles *are* important. One principle that's important is not to
> burn the barn down while the horse is still inside.

Its also important to not wait to send out your pickets until after the
enemy has stolen your horses.

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