Re: frozen ovaries

From: ct (
Date: Mon Nov 13 2000 - 23:51:27 MST

Spike wrote:
> >> ...At a later date she wanted to
> >> conceive and had the ovaries thawed, sewed back together and

Amara wrote:
> What was the conclusion here: was this a bogus report or not?

Spike already gave one reference from the POF(premature ovarian failure)
website. Another one is:
[Researchers in his laboratory...sewed bits of the tissue to a scaffold made
of surgical foam. Then (Dr. Kutluk) Oktay...implanted the tissue into Ms.
Lloyd-Hart's pelvis, where it soon began producing hormones.]

> If true, I wonder why frozen ovaries and frozen embryos are viable
> with today's technology, but frozen eggs are not ??
[The technology so far applied clinically has been based directly on
traditional human embryo cryopreservation protocols, and has produced
relatively few offspring. Fortunately to date, no abnormalities have been
reported from these pregnancies, regardless of the persistent concerns that
freezing and thawing of mature oocytes may disrupt the meiotic spindle and
thus increase the potential for aneuploidy in the embryos arising from such
[...for one notable exception, where a pregnancy arose from an immature
germinal vesicle (GV) stage egg (Tucker et al, 1998b). Interestingly, this
stage of egg development might prove to be a more successful approach for
cryopreservation because its oolemma is more permeable to cryoprotectant,
and its chromatin is more conveniently and safely packaged in the nucleus
[Ovarian Tissue Banking Interview with Dr. Jill Shaw:...Ovarian tissue is
very tolerant of cryopreservation...(however)...Data for the mouse indicates
that aging in the body and brain does influence the graft. The consequence
of this is that even a whole young ovary placed in an older recipient will
only exhibit a limited lifespan. It is likely that the same will apply to
the human. Small grafts may therefore only restore one or a small number of

> If you have not thought about this before, here are some
> ramifications of freezing eggs as a way to postpone child-bearing.
> ...Companies catering to egg donors start a thriving
> industry (another niche for Alcor, perhaps?).

Well, yes, of course Alcor could diversify. But why stop at the
cryopreservation of eggs?

Amara, you could go through one IVF cycle and perhaps retrieve 9 eggs. Have
three eggs frozen. Have the other six fertilized in vitro with sperm donated
from six different Extropians. Freeze three of these resulting embryos and
implant the other three. Carry all three to term. However prior to natural
delivery have Alcor "extract" and cryopreserve two fetuses. Later, when
you're ready for another child, ring up Alcor.


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