Re: Anti Gun Zealots and their Urban Legends.

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Oct 27 2000 - 16:50:09 MDT wrote:
> In a message dated 10/27/00 2:07:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << > Actually, the well-orchestrated campaign belongs to, and always has
> belonged to, the NRA, which is unparalleled in their foisting of
> lies-with-statistics (the baby-drowning-in-buckets urban legend being a prime
> example, which I have previously debunked),
> Just thought some of you would like to help me start a collection of the
> Urban Legends that Anti Gun Zealots spread. Has somebody got a real good
> version of the one that goes. "We don't want to ban all guns. We only want
> to continue our one hundred year tradition of banning just one more gun."
> Oh I also need a real good example of the anti gun zealot explaining what
> the gun crime statistics were before and after each gun law was passed. That
> includes statistical proof of all the successes they have had over the past
> hundred years. Chicago, New York and a number of other cities virtually
> outlaw all guns. Can you get me the statistics before and after to show me
> how the anti gun laws reduced crime?

Well, I did not say that above, that was our inimitable Joe Dees.

Thats the thing though, they can't. They just keep yapping their yaps in earnest
devotion to Goering's law about repeating lies often enough (Joe being a prime
example of this, though not quite so virulent as most) in hopes enough idiots
will buy it.

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