Re: Cheapskates:DON'T JOIN THE EXI! IT'S A SCAM.

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Oct 22 2000 - 22:12:12 MDT

Ian Arcatling wrote:

> OK. Fair enough. I can live with that. I just wish that it had said
> so on the Extropy site early last year, when I joined. Membership in the
> ExI is some sort of holy crusade, is it? Think not of such petty things as
> money or personal gain, for there is something higher and more noble to be
> had from joining our holy mission.

Yeah, small personal things. Like perhaps immortality if we get a move
on and don't die to something stupid like the march of the luddites.
Little things like ending scarcity of most material things in our
lifetime, vastly increasing intelligence, freedom from the gravity well,
brains enough not to suck up hours on easy question, that sort of stuff.

> You may be right for all I know. After all, I joined the ExI primarily
> because I agree with just about everything it stands for. Unfortunately, I
> doubt that the ExI will make much of a difference over here in the
> foreseeable future, and I am very poor. Hence, I will be shallow and
> materialistic enough to draw the conclusion that if the satisfaction of
> knowing that I support the forces of good is really all that you get out of
> an ExI membership, it is not for me. If I were rich I might consider it,
> but as it is, yes, I do like to get a least something back for my money.

It is not for those with small minds and smaller vision.

- samantha

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