Re: PHYSICS/SPACE: Gravity/Time broken?

Craig Johnson (
Wed, 29 Sep 1999 16:26:25 -0400

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Apparently, some believe this is caused by a planetoid's gravity:

Don't know whether there is a consensus about this.

Webb_S wrote:

> Do ya suppose there's a connection between this phenomenon and the
> cosmological constant?  If there is indeed an exotic repulsive energy
> filling empty space could it perhaps be ever so slightly pushing these
> spacecraft back toward the sun?  I haven't seen this mentioned as an
> explanation, but it seems so obvious...
> Maybe it even has something to do with the apparent tendency for giant
> planets to migrate inward toward their stars.
> Hey, who knows?
> Steven

Craig Johnson
(212) 761-1366

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Apparently, some believe this is caused by a planetoid's gravity:

Don't know whether there is a consensus about this.

Webb_S wrote:

Do ya suppose there's a connection between this phenomenon and the
cosmological constant?  If there is indeed an exotic repulsive energy
filling empty space could it perhaps be ever so slightly pushing these
spacecraft back toward the sun?  I haven't seen this mentioned as an
explanation, but it seems so obvious...

Maybe it even has something to do with the apparent tendency for giant
planets to migrate inward toward their stars.

Hey, who knows?


Craig Johnson
(212) 761-1366