> > After hunters, things tend to develop. Are none of
> the
> > changes from hunting to an urban environment
> (where
> > most of the crime is, at least in total) to be
> > counted?
> > It's just gun laws?
> Considering that my state, New Hampshire, which was
> one of the original
> 13 colonies, has more deer, bear, and moose than
> before europeans
> arrived, also has very permissive gun laws, and has
> a significan
> percentage of the population that hunts actively,
> versus its immediate
> neighbor, Massachusetts, which also has a decent, if
> not quite equal
> amount of wilderness and wildlife. Mass has strict
> gun laws (to even own
> a BB airgun you need an FID card) that inhibit or
> discourage hunting,
> and most property is posted against hunting. Crime
> is at least ten times
> higher in Massachusetts than in in New Hampshire,
> despite nearly equal
> population densities. Vermont and Maine are much
> like NH or even more
> so, while Mass is much like Conneticutt, Rhode
> Island, and New York
> (upstate NY tends to be somewhere in between.)
There is crime rate info at:
This has crime rates per 100k, both total and violent crime. While the rates are higher in the states you mention, they are not "ten times higher", more like a factor of 3 (bad enough) for violent crime, and about 1.5 for total crime.
> You could say that crime is caused by urban compact
> zones, sort of the
> old rat experiment writ large, but from what I've
> seen the crime comes
> as a response to busybodies trying to make life
> miserable for as many
> other people as possible with as many laws and taxes
> as possible. Cities
> with the most laws and taxes have the most crime...
> duh....or else that
> city has cops on every street corner... martial law.
It's not just population density only or necessarily. Cities have many other differences from rural hunting grounds. There is general stress level, noise, economic pressure etc.
What is the correlation between taxes and violence??
Either trigger happy cops or trigger happy citizens, neither is any good.