> > --- "J. R. Molloy" <jr@shasta.com> wrote:
> > > From: Bryan Moss <bryan.moss@dial.pipex.com>
> > > >I bet active hunters tend to live in areas that
> > > have low incidences of
> > > >criminal behaviour to begin with.
> > >
> > > Good bet. I'd also bet that areas with low
> > > incidences of criminal behavior
> > > have high incidences of active hunters to begin
> > > with. First come the hunters
> > > to new areas, then come the gun laws, then comes
> the
> > > crime.
> > >
> The most obvious conclusion is that those areas
> which have
> enough wilderness to allow hunting have a low
> incidence of people
> in general.
Yes. One needs stats of crime per head of population in rural vs city areas, not just absolute numbers.
Hunters from real wilderness areas would often be in it for food, not sport. They needn't have the same motivations as sports hunters from the city. Not sure what this means in terms of satiating violent urges, in either case. You *might* argue that hunting "bloods" people and makes things worse (in the same way as happens with domestic carnivores).