Re: Personal responsibility [was Re: Genderless societies]

J. R. Molloy (
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 16:18:06 -0700

From: Robert J. Bradbury <>
>Very interesting. While I see the logic of the argument, I would
>have to say the suit was on iffy ground here. The premise
>is that someone under 15 can't give consent. I have a hard time
>with the argument that a 12 year old boy who gave "non-legal"
>consent *repeatedly* should not be held responsible for his
>actions. The man in this situation is trying to worm out of
>his responsibility on a technicality of the law. Now the
>interesting part would be that I would say the man has a
>case for a huge civil suit against the woman for raping him.


Thank you for the laugh.
Anti-masculist Western civilization will never punish a female for raping a boy with anywhere near the severity that punishes men for having sex with underage females.

>Legally the guy was raped, but in looking at this you have
>to believe he knew what he was doing. Only if you can make
>an argument that he thought the storks brought babies can
>you make a case that the state is victimizing him.

Interesting that you think the victim in this case "is trying to worm out of his responsibility." Rather like arguing that a female who got raped is trying to worm her way out of her responsibility if she opts for an abortion. Sounds to me like you've succumbed to antimasculist propaganda. But never mind, I love you anyway.