KPJ wrote:
I generally try to avoid invocation of gender-specific cognitive
routines in myself or the reader. But she could also mean that she
doesn't like it when guys who treat other guys as male treat her as neuter.
> It appears as if Cynthia wrote:
> |Not alienating women is good. But I hate it when guys feel that
> |they have to tip toe around me, and I hate it even more if they
> |treat me like a neuter.
> I am not interested in what kind of genital equipment a mailing list entity
> possesses, until such a time when I meet it in real-time, and thus mating
> with it becomes a non-zero possibility.
I can recall precisely one circumstance under which the physical characteristics of an Extropian became relevant; someone protested the term "black goo" and I asked whether he was black and personally offended, in which case I'd stop using it, or if he was non-black and politically correct, in which case I'd tell him to stick his elbow up his nose.
-- Eliezer S. Yudkowsky Running on BeOS Typing in Dvorak Programming with Patterns Voting for Libertarians Heading for Singularity There Is A Better Way