> > From: Samuel J Harper[SMTP:jahjah43@juno.com]
> > Make sure you do this on the list and not through email, as extropians
> > have been known to take credit for ideas they got from someone else
> > through email. At a recent extropy conference a whole talk by their
> > "leader" was apparantly based on an idea taken from someone else's email.
> > There may have been some original ideas in the talk as well. I don't
> > know. But transhumanists should not tolerate this kind of behavior. It
> > gives us a bad name.
If he doesn't name a specific instance, then I'm inclined to dismiss it as simple smear tactics. I wonder at the why.
-- sentience@pobox.com Eliezer S. Yudkowsky http://pobox.com/~sentience/tmol-faq/meaningoflife.html Running on BeOS Typing in Dvorak Programming with Patterns Voting for Libertarians Heading for Singularity There Is A Better Way