Fri, 03 Sep 99 11:52:19 EST


I just had a very quick look at your ad in Employment Classifieds.
What you have put there looks interesting. I do not have time to go through a lot of info to determine exactly what you are up to however I am interested enough for you to send me a very basic and brief overview so I can file this for later use. My current business on the net is going extremely well and I will soon be well enough established in this, That I will be able to look at something else to run along side it.

You may also be interested in looking at what I am doing as this is very profitable and is virtually self run. If this is of interest to you then please feel free to visit my site and you will see just what I mean. http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/schinski/index.html

I look forward to your reply

Kind Regards
Martin Thoma