>See http://pobox.com/~sentience/AI_design.temp.html [343K]
>> Where does your 2020 figure come from? (I'm afraid I
>> don't know how to expand the 'CRNS' qualifier.)
>Current Rate No Singularity. The 2020 figure is how long I think it'll
>take for AI researchers to think their way out of a cardboard box if I'm
>not running things. I'd *like* to have it done by 2005.
I skimmed your document and, with all due respect, I do not see that your model, as I understand it, differs significantly from classical AI. You have a number of modules containing domain-specific knowledge mediated by a centralized world model. This is a traditional paradigm. The macro-scale self improvement you envision is not compelling to me – if you’ve written a program that can understand and improve upon itself in a novel and open-ended way then you’ve solved the interesting part of the problem already.