Bryan Moss wrote:
Imagine the following:
Welcome to Union Carbide High School, home of the UCHS Gassers...
because we care.
I am all for competition and merit in student acheivement, and no
mainstreaming. I am especially for competition and merit among teachers
(break the NEA monopoly), but pasting a corporate logo on my kid so he
can go to school? Thats the kind of irresponsible idea that the morons I
talk of in my prior post would be all for...
My personal favorite is to fund education with taxes on stupid behavior:
drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, pollution, gambling, logging... etc. Thus
its a negative feedback effect: the smarter the kids become, the less
need there is for more education... This to me is the optimum way to
have 'price' signalling in education.
Mike Lorrey
> Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> > I have often thought that if any part of our world should be in any way
> > socialist, it should be in the area of child rearing. Children are to
> > varying degrees not responsible for their ability to afford education,
> > health care, and basic housing/nutrition, and should not be penalized
> > for the stupidity of their parents.
> >
> > The question is: How?
> As I recently said, "The solution would be corporate sponsorship."
> If you value life, *value* life!
Tonite our team is playing the boys of the Mighty Lockheed Bombers,
visiting from Ground Zero Stadium...