Request for Arthur C. Clarke Centre support

Larry Klaes (
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 15:53:51 -0400

>X-Envelope-To: <>
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>Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 14:23:55 CST6CDT,4,1,0,7200,10,-1,0,10800,3600
>X-OldDate: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 15:25:25 -0500
>Sender: carlsagan-owner <>
>Reply-To: "Carl Sagan List" <>
>From: "John C. Sherwood" <jcsherwood@KENNETT.NET>
>To: Carl Sagan list <>
>Subject: Sagan: Request for ACC Centre support
>I'm on a quest since a Aug. 12, 1999, visit to Dene
>Court, the Somerset home of Arthur C. Clarke's brother
>Fred Clarke and the U.K. repository of the
>"Clarkives": I've been asked by Brian Thomas, Sir
>Arthur's technical adviser and director of the Arthur
>C. Clarke Foundation, to renew and *expand* an earlier
>request for assistance from Sir Arthur's fans,
>admirers and associates worldwide. Your help is needed
>-- and time is of the essence!
>As before, this is *not* a request for money (although
>that wouldn't hurt). Instead, you can provide some
>deeply needed support simply by posting multiple
>copies of this message -- *and* by sending your own
>snail-mail (that is, non-electronic) letter of your
>own support for a special project dear to the hearts
>of Sir Arthur, Fred, Brian, myself and, I'm quite
>sure, yourself as well.
>The Foundation is attempting to obtain what in the
>United Kingdom is called a Lottery Millennium Fund
>Grant. Such a grant would be used to help construct
>the Arthur C.Clarke Space and Communications Centre,
>planned for Minehead (Sir Arthur's birthplace) in the
>U.K. county of Somerset.
>As plans for the Centre take practical shape, letters
>and messages of support for the Centre are needed --
>and, ideally, they are needed within the next few
>weeks (by September 1999) as the application deadline
>Such letters of support should be of an international
>nature, Brian says, a fact which means that we on the
>Internet are in the perfect position to solicit such
>support worldwide, via e-mail and in our own
>Such support may come from individuals, organizations,
>academic institutions -- whomever you believe would
>argue well for a project that would perpetuate Sir
>Arthur's range of scientific ideas into the next
>century and beyond.
>According to astronomer Patrick Moore, "The proposed
>Centre at Minehead will be dedicated to the
>interpretation and exploration of space and
>communications. We believe that it will form a major
>visitor attraction and a suitable landmark for the new
>Millennium. We hope that the Centre will enlighten and
>encourage all those who visit it to learn more, and
>contribute to the space odyssey on which mankind is
>now embarking."
>Those who will be making the decision need to be told
>in no uncertain terms that such a project would draw
>not only your fascination and patronage, but the
>interest and commerce of many others who want and
>*need* to know more about the positive possibilities
>inherent in the technological and philosophical vision
>of the future described in Sir Arthur's writings. As
>so many of us have realized, the potential for an
>improved global economy, interaction, understanding
>and tolerance is enormous, and a few words from you
>could make all the difference. That's why we hope
>that you will help.
>In addition to forwarding electronic copies of this
>message, please write your own physical letter,
>stating your own support for this project.
>Non-electronic (physical) letters of support should be
>sent to this address:
>Arthur C. Clarke Foundation of Great Britain<BR>
>Dene Court
>Bishops Lydeard
>Taunton, Somerset TA4 3LT
>POST THIS MESSAGE (or, if you prefer, simply its URL,
> to
>all those whom you believe may be interested in and/or
>capable of supporting this project! We may be able to
>reach hundreds, if not thousands of potential
>supporters in a matter of days!
>IN ADDITION to helping send and obtain letters of
>support, if you wish to be enrolled as a Friend of the Arthur C. Clarke
>Foundation of Great Britain, a donation of 10 British pounds (#10) is
>requested to go toward the newsletter. This amounts to roughly U.S.
>$17; please check current currency exchange rates.
>Your name, address, post code, and phone number are
>requested, and the request may be sent to the Arthur
>C. Clarke Foundation of Great Britain, Dene Court,
>Bishops Lydeard, Taunton, Somerset TA4 3LT, England.
>Tel: 01823 432001 (read that number again, fans) Fax
>01823 432083. And, of course, the web site is
>(John Sherwood is acting entirely as a volunteer, and
>is not paid by either the Foundation, the proposed
>Centre or any organization or Internet group
>associated with Arthur C. Clarke.)
>John C. Sherwood
>, 126 Race St. No. 18, Kennett Square, PA 19348, (610)
>Copy editor, Wilmington News Journal, 950 W. Basin Road, New Castle, DE
>19720 - (800) 323-7766
>Artistic director emeritus, The Victorian Villa Inn, Union City, MI, USA
>- (800) 34-VILLA for inquiries
>E-mail: |
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