Every moment is what is called Planck Time.... read up on it.
Clint O'Dell wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >No it would not. We would see it the entire time. However we would first
> >encounter it in what it considers its later life, while it would encounter
> >us in what we consider our later life. If I met an anti-matter clock, i
> >would think that it is moving backwards, while an anti-matter person would
> >think its moving forwards. If I talked with an anti-matter person, I would
> >hear their last word first, and their first word last.... Any Questions?
> >
> >Mike Lorrey
> If every moment in time contained a "photograph" of each position of every
> particle and they all moved forward in time, then that may be true.
> Particles would come by one after the other like light reflected from an
> object. So you must be saying that every part of time contains a different
> position of ourselves. Or is there another way it could work?
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