RE: All bow down to the Major Domo! (re: Billy Brown's gov model)

O'Regan, Emlyn (
Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:59:01 +1000

> > As Billy suggests, different styles of control could be tried by
> different
> > groups (democracy, rule by everyone (where everyone can vote on
> everything),
> > monarchy, dictatorships, corporate fun, etc...) and natural selection
> should
> > sort out the goats from the sheep. Although anyone who's ever played a
> > multiplayer strategy game will concurr that there are many factors
> involved
> > in surviving such a setup - looking weak can be real bad, looking strong
> can
> > be REAL bad.
> This is one reason I want that vestigial national government - it can
> prevent the localities from making war on one another, which forces them
> to
> compete within the rules of the market.
> Billy Brown, MCSE+I
I'm not suggesting war. I'm suggesting cooperative, cartel situations used to economically crush states who earn the ire of groups of others. This can be used exactly as warfare, with similar results!
