Warfarin Added to Cigarettes to Thin Blood?!

James Daugherty (daugh@home.msen.com)
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 08:06:12 -0400

Anyone in a position to evaluate the rather amazing claim below that rat poison [warfarin] is added to cigarettes in order to protect smokers from blood clots and heart attacks by thinning the blood? -----Original Message-----
From: USCMike1@aol.com <USCMike1@aol.com> To: wckern@abac.com <wckern@abac.com>
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 5:04 AM Subject: The most DEADLY Tobacco Facts (beyond Nicotine) feds refuse to tellthe public

(sent to USCMike1's 32,039+ readers - Please repost to your own mailing lists
and newsgroups - Thanks)

Dear Citizens, Patriots, Veterans, Smokers, their families, and side-stream Smokers:

Please read this incredible post about the most deadly facts about tobacco smoke. Even after the $238 billion states' governments and tobacco industry scam supposedly settled the issue, our government and the tobacco companies still refuse to reveal to the public the REAL story of the harm done by tobacco.

I will be writing a follow-up to this investigate research report about the outcome of the $238 billion "settlement" that was supposed to solve the problems.


Original Publication date: July 1987
Revised Publication date: March 1991
Released to USCMike1's 32,039+ Readers: August 1999 by Michael Johnson (Investigative Research Reporter)

Are Tobacco Companies Clandestinely and Illegally Treating Smokers Medically Without Their Knowledge?

Marina Del Rey, CA- It is now common knowledge; although tobacco companies still deny it;that smoking, chewing, snuffing, sucking, or using tobacco in any form can increase a person's risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular

The U. S. Public Health Service, the U. S. Surgeon General, the American
Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, and the American Heart Association all declare and document the health hazards of using tobacco.

There is current evidence that tobacco companies have purposely increased the amount of nicotine;a highly addictive chemical stimulant;in tobacco in order to get smokers "hooked" and addicted to tobacco.

This is to force smokers to continue smoking and using tobacco so that tobacco companies can maintain their profits and continue operating their businesses, despite the known disease risks. And smokers have an extremely difficult time quitting due to the physiological and psychological addictions
associated with tobacco use. Not only that, but the 1986 Surgeon General's Report documents that side-stream, or secondhand smoke, is even more dangerous and disease-causing to nonsmokers than to smokers.

But there is an even more insidious crime being perpetrated against the public by the tobacco companies and that is that the tobacco companies may be
conducting illegal and clandestine human medical treatment and experimentation without authorization or medical license upon unsuspecting tobacco users without their knowledge.

This medical experimentation is in the form of adding to the tobacco certain toxic chemicals and medicines in order to secretly prevent and treat some of the diseases that the tobacco companies allege are not caused by tobacco.

Specifically, the tobacco companies, by their own published admission in
their trade publications, introduce a deadly pesticide-rodenticide called Warfarin or coumarin into the tobacco as a "flavoring." They call it a
"flavoring" in order to cover up its true identity; that is Rat Poison!

What is even more incredible is that the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF), any doctor, biologist, chemist, or licensed pest control technician or agency, and even the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, the U. S. Public Health Service, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Poison Control Center, and the Center for Disease Control agencies, and the various health organizations
listed in the opening paragraph have known that coumarin-like compounds and Warfarin have been used as the active ingredient in rat poison since 1948.

It is unthinkable that these protective agencies and professional personnel have not been able to "put two-and-two together" and realize that tobacco companies purposely add coumarin, which is a deadly poison formulated
to kill mammals, specifically rodents, into tobacco, thereby making it extremely dangerous for human consumption.

Likewise, it is equally unconscionable that these agencies have known that coumarin or Warfarin is added to tobacco and they have not banned either
the use of coumarin in tobacco or tobacco use itself. Unthinkable and unconscionable as an this is, even the state of California enacted the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 and listed on July 1, 1987 in Chapter 3, Section 12000: Chemicals Known to the State to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity that Warfarin (with Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number 81812), in fact, does cause reproductive toxicity in humans.

Isn't it amazing that within only one-half inch to one inch above and below the name Warfarin in a vertical column of a toxic chemicals list that tobacco smoke is listed to cause reproductive toxicity in both human mates and females?

By grade school deduction, doesn't it make sense that the reason tobacco
smoke causes reproductive toxicity is because of the Warfarin in the tobacco?
As incredible as all this may seem, this is not the worst of the bad news! Scientists worldwide have determined that smoking tobacco, in addition to causing cancer also causes heart attacks and strokes, or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respectively.

The mechanism is essentially the same in both heart attacks, which affect the heart, and strokes, which affect the brain. Tobacco smoke not only
causes constriction of the blood vessels that supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscle cells and brain cells, but it also causes the blood to form clots that can occlude blood flow to these highly delicate and sensitive tissues. If a tiny artery or capillary becomes clogged by a blood clot the tissue and cells immediately downstream of the blockage starve for oxygen.

Within five minutes, irreversible heart and/or brain cell damage and tissue death occurs which causes the heart attack, or coronary infarct, and/or cerebrovascular (brain) accident (CVA) or stroke.

Just what role do the tobacco companies play in this drama? The tobacco companies claim that carefully controlled scientific studies have never been able to prove explicitly or conclusively that tobacco use causes cancer or any other disease. The only "quasi" proof that the scientific researchers have been able to produce is through statistics that demonstrate that there is a very high correlation between tobacco use and cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

But the tobacco companies claim that statistics never proved anything. In fact, the tobacco industry has been able to show that there are statistically more nonsmokers who develop cancer and other related diseases than smokers (and, therefore, smoking doesn't cause cancer and other diseases, they claim).

The current scientific explanation to answer the tobacco industry's claims is that because a smoker gets a more concentrated dose of tobacco smoke, a smoker's bodily defense and immune systems are readily activated due
to the high concentration of harmful substances taken into the smoker's body and the smoker is immediately protected. However, in the case of a nonsmoker,
the concentration of tobacco smoke inhaled by a nonsmoker from a smoker's cigarette is much lower; so much so that the nonsmoker's defense systems are not activated and never get a chance to counteract the effects of the harmful
tobacco smoke.

Additionally, it has been shown that the mainstream smoke from a burning
cigarette being inhaled gets filtered through the length of tobacco and since
the combustion temperature is very high, there is a more complete combustion of tobacco and smoke products making them less toxic. But in the case of nonsmokers inhaling side-stream or secondhand smoke, the side-stream smoke burns at a lower temperature which creates much more dangerous and more toxic
smoke particles and by-products, thus, making them more harmful to nonsmokers
even at a lower concentration of tobacco smoke.

But, so what? What does all of this have to do with the tobacco companies adding rat poison to the tobacco? How do they treat smokers medically? The rat poison is Warfarin or coumarin-like compounds that are blood anticoagulants. If tobacco smoke does, in fact, cause blood clots that block the coronary (heart) arteries and the cerebral (brain) arteries, then treating smokers, through the tobacco they smoke, with the administration of an anticoagulant may prevent blood clots from forming.

According to the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR), 45th edition, 1991, Product Information (pp. 547-548) and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), 1990 edition (pp. 129-131, 699-701) on prescription drugs and medicines, Warfarin, coumarin, and a similar anticoagulant, Heparin, are used in surgery
to prevent blood clots from forming secondary to an operation, such as open heart surgery, and the treatment for certain blood vessel, heart, and lung conditions.

The contraindications for the use of coumarin and Warfarin in humans are
the very same reasons it is used in rat poison. These anticoagulants cause the tiny capillaries and blood vessels to leak blood and cause internal bleeding or hemorrhage. In rats and in humans they cause gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and respiratory tract bleeding, in addition to cerebrovascular
hemorrhage and cerebral and aortic aneurysms.

In essence, rats and humans bleed to death internally and externally, which can be caused by capillary damage and/or very slight injuries or bumps and bangs, similar to the physiological effects caused by the deadly Ebola virus (hemorrhagic fever) infection. Warfarin does cause extensive liver, kidney, and adrenal gland damage as well.

Dr. Donald Frear in Chemistry of the Pesticides (pp. 437-443) states that "the ideal rodenticide has been deemed as being odorless, tasteless and inevitably fatal, although it should be slow acting in order that all rodents
in the area will have an opportunity to consume the poison without becoming suspicious."

He continues that "the symptoms of acute poisoning should be absent, to avoid bait shyness, and the manner of death should be such that no suspicions
are aroused in the rodent population surviving."

This same non-suspicious reaction is present in tobacco smokers.

William Hallenbeck and Kathleen Cunningham-Burns in Pesticides and Human
Health (p. 15) state that Warfarin and coumarin-like compounds are
"anticoagulants and antimetabolites of vitamin K and inhibit the synthesis
prothrombin (the clotting agent in blood). They explain that "repeated exposure is usually required for damage to occur," and that "numerous small exposures may be more damaging than one large dose" They also say that

the rodents do not develop bait shyness they are fed to capacity until death."

The same is true For tobacco smokers (they are fed tobacco smoke to capacity
until death by cancer, heart attack, or stroke).

The Association of American Pesticide Control Officials, Inc., in Pesticide Chemical Compendium, 1959 edition (p. 272) states that Warfarin
"kills by causing hemorrhage when ingested over a period of days," and that
"death (is caused) without evident pain or violent reactions; autopsy shows
hemorrhage, hematomas, internal organs pale from oxygen lack."

The PDR (pp. 547-548), also, states that Warfarin can cause spontaneous abortions, fatal hemorrhage to the fetus in utero, and birth malformation in children born to women treated with Warfarin during pregnancy. The PDR (pp. 547-548) warns that "the most serious risks associated with anticoagulant therapy are hemorrhage in any tissue or organ" and necrosis and/or gangrene of the skin and other tissues which have led to death and/or permanent disability. "Severe cases have necessitated debridement or amputation of the affected tissue, limb, breast or penis."

Therefore, it is very likely that the tobacco companies are hiding behind a curtain of clandestine deception, in one instance denying the dangers of heart attacks and strokes in smokers (because of "lack of proof"),
and in the next instance medically treating smokers to prevent them from developing coronary occlusions and strokes due to blood clots with the induction or Warfarin or coumarin in the tobacco.

It is time for our protective health agencies to analyze the morbidity and death statistics of smokers (and nonsmokers who work and live around smokers) to determine if there is a higher incidence of hemorrhage-type of disorders in them. Incidentally, even if coumarin added to tobacco could prevent clot-type strokes in the brain, an overdose in very small quantities over a long period of time could cause a bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke which
is just as devastating.

Is the tobacco industry practicing medicine without a license? Are the tobacco companies secretly adding coumarin or Warfarin to their tobaccos in a
clandestine attempt to prevent or reduce some incidences of blood clot-caused
coronaries and cerebrovascular accidents that they will not admit to publicly?

  1. A. Shmuk in volume III of The Chemistry and Technology of Tobacco, published in 1953 (pp. 548-555) states that coumarin and methylcoumarin were introduced into tobacco as an "aromatizer." Akehurst in Tobacco, 1966, (pp. 410-475) states that additives and flavorings are added to tobacco to improve it for two main reasons: "1) To mask faults such as bitterness, and generally soften the smoking taste and, with the aid of perfumes, to create a pleasing aroma from the tobacco. 2) To retain moisture and make the tobacco less susceptible to changes in atmospheric conditions."

Akehurst (p. 473) continues that of the many different additives used in
tobacco, the tonka bean whose active ingredient is coumarin, "emphasizes and holds the natural flavor sensations of the tobacco blend." Editor Ernst Voges
in Tobacco Encyclopedia, 1986, states that the allegations made against tobacco as being a cause of lung cancer and other diseases have not been proven. He says that "most of the allegations against smoking are based on 'statistical associations' found in epidemiological studies." And that it is agreed among scientists "that a statistical association does not establish causation" (p. 460).

One additional reason coumarin and sweeteners such as sugars are added to tobacco is because tobacco smoke is so harsh and toxic that a person would
cough out the smoke before the addictive nicotine would have a chance to be drawn into the lungs and absorbed. The sweeteners allow the smoke to go into the lungs and remain long enough for the smoker to get his or her addictive

Times staff writers Minnie Bernardino (September 26, 1985) and Joan Drake (October 22, 1987) have written in the Los Angeles Times newspaper that
the imitation vanilla, "Mexican vanilla," which is made from the tonka bean, a member of the pea family, contains coumarin which was banned by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration in the 1950s because researchers found that coumarin caused liver damage when fed to rats. The National Academy of Sciences in Toxicants Occurring Naturally in Foods ,1973, ( pp. 453-455) adds
that coumarin has caused growth retardation and testicular atrophy in dogs and bile-duct carcinoma in cats.

So, why does the U. S. Food and Drug Administration not stop the tobacco
companies from using coumarin in tobacco? The reason is bureaucratically simple: Tobacco is not controlled by the Food and Drug Administration but by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms which does not regulate food. And, as it was explained to us by a very high ranking technical official at the BATF, Scientific Services Chemist John Steele, via telephone conversation
on March 30, 1991, although the tobacco companies are prohibited from using coumarin as a food additive, they secretly import it dissolved in alcohol. Alcohol is not regulated as a food and the BATF has no guidelines or regulations regarding coumarin dissolved in alcohol.

So, the tobacco companies get away with medical malpractice and, literally, murder (deaths of smokers due to heart attacks, strokes, and cancer), all in the name of business viability and profits.

Oh, by the way, we started this research project in 1987 when we found out from a list of chemicals found in tobacco published in the Los Angeles Times that coumarin was listed by the tobacco companies as a "flavoring." It is unbelievable that mainstream America and its protective government agencies still don't know its ramifications! On March 30, 1991, we called the
BATF and asked them for a list of ingredients of additives in tobacco. We were told that there is a list but it is not available to anyone because it involved patented proprietary trade secret formulas and recipes that not even
the U. S. Congress had access to. This is now the summer of 1997, and we still don't know if the tobacco companies have voluntarily divulged their
"trade secret" formula tobacco additives.

With the information related above, it is our sincere conviction that the tobacco companies know of the dangers of using coumarin in tobacco, and that they may be clandestinely and deceptively attempting to medically treat smokers to prevent "coronaries" and strokes through the action of coumarin. This could also be an attempt to throw off the statistics that show tobacco causes these cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At any rate, the tobacco companies should be investigated for performing human medical experimentation without authorization and practicing medicine without a license or the informed consent of the smokers involved.

Additionally, the tobacco companies should be investigated for sneaking coumarin through the regulatory agency loopholes, especially in light of the fact that coumarin has been banned for use in food and its use must be prescribed by a licensed physician, as patients must be continuously monitored for any adverse reactions.

To prove to yourself that coumarin and Warfarin are used as rat poison, just go down to the nearest supermarket and read the label on a package of d-CON Ready Mixed Generation II Kills Rats and Mice advanced anticoagulant formula rodenticide rat poison. If you see any word that refers to anticoagulant, Warfarin, or any scientific chemical that has the word root of
"-coum-" in it, you should be convinced.

One last thought regarding tobacco and its alleged cause of lung cancer.
It has already been proven that any form of radioactive contamination or radiation causes many types of malignant tumors or cancer. It is absolutely incredible to us that the tobacco companies and the U. S. Department of Agriculture both know that tobacco leaves have unsafe quantities of radioactive elements and isotopes that emit alpha, beta, and gamma radiation and, yet, they still claim that tobacco does not cause lung cancer.

T. C. Tso writes in Physiology and Biochemistry of Tobacco Plants, 1972,
(pp. 91-99) a publication from Plant Science Research Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, that many publications from 1953 through 1970 report the presence of gamma, alpha and beta radiation in leaf tobacco and tobacco smoke. In fact, there is so much radiation that the publication states that "most research efforts conducted by plant scientists in the radioelement area are aimed toward identifying the source of radiation and toward finding means for reduction or removal' (p. 92). There is so much radiation that they have been able to devise intricate tables of the radionuclides and the decay scheme of uranium series. Some of the radioactive
isotopes found in tobacco are radioactive potassium, rubidium, strontium, cesium, radium, polonium, radon, uranium, ionium, astatine, and lead.

If even low levels of radiation from radon, radium, and uranium can cause cancer; specifically lung cancer; why can't radioactive contamination in tobacco cause cancer? How can the tobacco companies say tobacco does NOT cause lung cancer? More importantly, how can the U. S. Department of Agriculture develop the body of knowledge of radiation in tobacco, then sit idly by and not divulge the information, especially in light of the current, June 1997, negotiations between 40 state's attorney's general and the tobacco
industry here in America?


Akehurst, B. C. Tobacco. Tanzania; Longmans, 1966.

American Lung Association. News From ALA. "Facts About Cigarette Smoking and Lung Disease." New York; ALA 1984.

Barnhart Edward, R. PDR 45 Edition 1991. Physician's Desk Reference. Oradell,
NJ: Medical Economic Data, 1991.

Bernardino, Minnie. Los Angeles Times. "You Asked About . . . Questioning the
Safety of the Use of Imitation Mexican Vanilla in Recipes." Sept. 26, 1985. Los Angeles: L. A Times, 1985.

Budavari Susan; The Merck Index. An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Eleventh ed. Rahway, NJ: Merck, 1989.

California, State of. Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986. Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer of Reproductive Toxicity. Division 2 of Title
22, Section 12000 of the State of California Code of Regulations. Sacramento,
CA: Health and Welfare Agency, 1990.

Californians For Non-Smokers Rights. "Tobacco Smoke and the Nonsmoker." Berkeley, CA: CNR, 1985.

Centers For Disease Control. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. "1986 Surgeon General's Report: Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking." Dec 19, 1986, Vol. 35, No. 50. US Department of Health and Human Services.

Crawford, W. Allen. Archives of Environmental Health. "On the Health Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke." Jan/Feb 1988. Vol. 43. No. 1. Sydney, Australia: AEH, 1988.

d-CON. d-CON Ready Mixed Generation II Kills Rats and Mice. Advanced Anticoagulant Formula Kills Warfarin-Resistant Rats; Active Ingredient: Brodifacoum 3.

Downey, Charles. Los Angeles Times. Science/Medicine. "Discovering the Lethal
Sides of Herbs." Nov. 12, 1990. Los Angeles, L. A. Time, 1990.

Drake, Joan. Los Angeles Times. "You Asked About...An Easy Substitute for Savor Salt." Oct. 22, 1987, Los Angeles. L. A. Times, 1987.

Fielding, Jonathan E., and Kenneth J. Phenow. The New England Journal of Medicine. "Health Effects of Involuntary Smoking." Dec. 1, 1988. Waltham, MA:
NEJM, 1988.

Frear, Donald E. H. Chemistry of the Pesticides. Third ed. New York: Van Nostrand, 19XX.

Hallenbeck, William H., and Kathleen M. Cunningham-Burns. Pesticides and Human Health. New York: 19XX.

Heagy, A. B. Pesticide Chemicals Official Compendium. Association of American
Pesticide Control Officials, Inc. College Park, MD: AAPCO, 1959.

National Academy of Sciences. Toxicants Occurring Naturally in Foods. Second ed. Washington, D.C.: NAS, 1973.

Reference. Name Index and Basic List of Pesticides. Volume 1. Insecticides, Rodenticides. April 1969.

Shmuk, A. A. The Chemistry and Technology of Tobacco. Volume III. Moscow: Pishchepromizdat, 1953.

Steele, John, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Personal Telephone Conversation. Alcohol and Tobacco Laboratory. Head ATF Chemist. Rockville, MD: BATF, March 30, 1991.

Surgeon General. Surgeon General's Report. "The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking." Dec. 19, 1986. Vol. 35. No. 50. Rockville, MD: Public Health Service, 1986.

Surgeon General. U. S. Surgeon General's Report on the Changing Cigarette. Jan. 12, 1981. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Public Health Service.

Tso, T. C. Physiology and Biochemistry of Tobacco Plants. Plant Science Research Division. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Stroudsburg, PA: Dowden, 1972.

United States Pharmacopeia. USP Drug Information For The Consumer. Mount Vernon, NY: 1990.

Voges, Ernst. Tobacco Encyclopedia. Tobacco Journal International. Germany: TJI, 1986.

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