From: Clint O'Dell
> A human embryo doesn't have memories to associate an identity with. A
>human on other hand does.
So, the association between a specified identity and a set of memories defines the human experience?
> Practical Application Example...
> 4)It may not matter after I'm dead, but it matters at the moment because
> I'm alive and feeling it.
Anesthesia...highly recommended for the prolonged treatment of chronic human self-awareness and its associated disorders.
> | ...Eventually everyone dies
Well, yes, it does seem to be a current commonality that guides or influences the direction of this community.
> Studies on embryos without the embryos consent..
> never having the chance for life.
>I wouldn't have experienced life
> I have no knowledge of it.
> don't have an identity
>don't have any memories
> The consequence of such a thing happening to me is that I wouldn't be
> a chance to experience all the things that humans get to experience. That
> doesn't matter to something that doesn't know about or hasn't thought of
> those experiences. It isn't missing anything.
That is the assumption.
But have you thought that the self-aware human might be the gestational equivalent of an ultraembryo from the perspective of an adult ultrahuman? And you are right, of course. It isn't missing anything.
C. Tilley