>Do any of you know how to contact Neal Stephenson? I
>found 18 typos in Cryptonomicon, which he might like to
>fix before it goes to paperback. Have you found any others?
>We could submit them all together as the extropians
>contribution to a truly great book. spike
Try http://www.cryptonomicon.com/ . There's an "inquiries may be forwarded to" email for his publisher. He also put a "Frequently Anticipated Questions" document on the web about the book; it's at http://www.well.com/user/neal/cypherFAQ.html . It lists his email as neal@well.com, but with this warning:
Finally, I imagine he is already well aware of the typos. The book has been out for a while and most people take great pleasure in informing authors and editors of errata.