RE: I need advice on the best and cheapest devices and methods to

Rob Harris Cen-IT (
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 16:34:31 +0100

Once you've tried rubbing cod liver oil on your nads and wrapping a rabbit's foot in a dock leaf, and failed, try something sensible. The old cliche "The brain's like a muscle, the more you use it, the better it gets" is the only approach that I would recommend with an expectation of real, measureable results. It definitely has worked for me. So, what could you train your brain with? What would work a wide enough range of basic brain functions to observe a change for the better. I'd say IQ tests. Much as their ability to measure the undefined "intelligence" is highly questionable, they have been designed to isolate certain types of brain function and test performance, such as spatial ability (a good "mind's eye"), learning ability, memory and computational speed. Given this, we can expect an increase in your brain's effectiveness in these areas in response to IQ test practice. i.e. Get loads of 'em, and do 'em all. Naturally, you'll improve with practice. These gained skills will be noticable in real life, for sure. Don't forget - your brain's a neural net, so train it !


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