Re: Barely Detectable Aliens

John Clark (
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 01:10:10 -0400

Hash: SHA1 Wrote:

>I think it's likely there are a _lot_ of >technological civilizations out
> there, and I think it's unwise (to be mild) >to assume that _every
>single one_ is going to employ a variation of the nanotech scenario
>that obviously sits well with members of this mailing list. Some of them?
>Quite probably. But _all_ of them?

If they ignore that scenario then they're not very interesting, besides, we don't need all of them. If even one civilization took to the Nanotechnology path anytime in the last 5 billion years ago or so it would be obvious to anyone who had eyes that the night sky had been engineered. We see nothing of the sort, thus I conclude that quite probably their are no ET's, or if there are they're too dull to bother with.

>We ourselves are a rather long way from the sort of nanotech you're describing,
>so we can't really even use _ourselves_ as an example.

Nanotechnology may or may not be near on a human time scale, but from a cosmological perspective it will happen instantaneously, this very instant.

John K Clark

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