Re: SomatoPro vs. Melatonin

Freeman Craig Presson (
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 00:39:56 -0500

Great! I ordered 250 mL to start, I'll report back when I'm strong and well-rested :-)

(I do work out but I don't sleep worth a damn, never have)


On 22 Jul 99, at 22:08, Eugene Leitl wrote:

> Freeman Craig Presson writes:
> > How much 1,4-butanediol is in each capsule? The www site does not say.
> The > prices in bulk from Fluka look much more reasonable, but I can't
> compare the > two without knowing what a dose is in mL.
> If you go to that infamous source ( ) the
> suggested dosis seems to be 1..3 ml. I personally never go over 2
> ml. This seems to imply that the 250 ml Fluka bottle is good for
> 83..250 d.