> 4. Sunlight *will* screw up your skin, and will increase the risk cancer
> later in life, especially if you're pale. Wear the highest SPF-rating
> sunscreen you can buy and take (moderate!) vitamin D supplements to
> prevent rickets.
In fact, vitamin D supplements are a waste of time even if you avoid
sunbathing. Your skin will make shed loads of vitamin D in very low sun
intensity and in a very short time. The only people who MAY need to take vit
D supplements are eskimos on the 6-month darkness cycle. But even then, it's
unlikely there'd be a problem due to dietary sources. If there's ever been
anyone that's developed rickets solely due to vit D deficiency, then I want
to hear about it - it's the calcium you need lots of. I remember this from
my 'A' level biology tutor, in case you were wondering, so it's pretty sound
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