> Chris Fedeli wrote:
> >
> > I think you hit the nail on the head. I'm 25, and most of
> > my generation seems to share little enthusiasm for space
> > travel. I think part of this comes from the increased
> > knowledge we have about our universe today. 30 years ago
> > many people still thought there might be intelligent life on
> > mars. Now we've used our telescopes to explore the deep
> > reaches of space and have found it to be incredibly vast and
> > . . . boring.
When I heard that there were tourist space trips being considered in the
near future for the measly sum of $100,000, I started tallying up the value
of all my more (and less) superficial organs. How many legs do you need,
after all? None since the wheel. One arm would keep me happy, I'd prefer the
good one if that's viable, but I've always wanted to learn to use the mouse
with my left hand anyway. Most of the internal gut stuff is more trouble
than its worth; dialysis is pretty advanced now, right? There's a spare eye,
ear, 90% of my neurons are unused if I'm to believe Einstein (and who
wouldn't), a spare lung, and I've already got a beautiful daughter so
there's even more stuff for the organ bank.
And after all that, I'm lighter too, which might reduce the cost further.
Boring? Aaarrggh! I'm going to space in a bucket if I have to.
Emlyn, 27, bucket boy.