Ha! It's the Nanogirl variation on Pascal's wager, with physical immortality as the prize instead of Paradise.
If I had a submissive bone in my body, I'd go for it :-)
On 20 Jul 99, at 1:09, Gina Miller wrote:
> I don't know if you have seen my immortality contract, but it's
> entertaining, (although, no one has signed and emailed it to me yet~I
> still have hope) at: http://www.homestead.com/nanotechind/immortality.html
> Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
> Nanotechnology Industries
> Web:
> http://www.nanoindustries.com
> E-mail:
> nanogirl@halcyon.com
> Alternate E-mail
> echoz@hotmail.com
> "Nanotechnology: solutions for the future."