He's a crank.
He's nearly paranoid in his preposterous theories of NASA coverups.
His press releases are pure bunkum.
And you, sir, are going into the killfile.
Alintelbot@aol.com wrote:
> >> Members of SPSR (Scientists for the Study of Planetary SETI Research) are
> >
> >Wouldn't that be SSPSR? Either the scientists or the study is apparently
> >missing. Maybe both. Note that they don't actually study, they only advocate
> >studying. 'Scientists *for the* Study.' And you're not allowed to have an
> >acronym in an acronym. You're supposed to expand it. That would make it
> >SSPSETIR, which looks very odd.
> The correct designation is Society for Planetary SETI Research; I wrote the
> above in haste and obviously didn't get it right. I'm interested, though, in
> where the "crackpot" bit comes in. I posted about some known anomalies that,
> hopefully, will be reimaged shortly by a NASA spacecraft. Nothing crazy
> about that. Even Carl Sagan urged additional study into this.
> Who's the crackpot here? And how does a mis-typing help you spot one...?
> Mac Tonnies
-- Doug Jones, Freelance Rocket Plumber