>Anders Sandberg wrote:
>> "Michael S. Lorrey" <mike@lorrey.com> writes:
>> > Show me some crash debris or other usable proof. I have not seen to
date anything
>> > which would support such hypotheses. Don't get me wrong. I would truly
love it if
>> > we are being visited, but the proof is not there.
My take on this subject is the same as I have towards, the existence of God,
life after death, heaven and hell and re-encarnation. I cannot dismiss
people's experiences, they may go to church and express having a spiritual
moment (believe in a supernatural power), they may state they have memories
of a past life, or even gone up in a UFO. First of all, I myself have never
experienced any of these, but then again have no evidence that these claims
are false. I am humble enough to confess that I have not died, therefore
cannot say for myself if there is a heaven or a hell, if I have lived a past
life, I do not remember it, and I most surely have not traveled to every
planet in our solar system to know if there is life or death out there. I
leave myself open, I decide not to decide. I will await the facts. Because I
have seen nothing, does not mean there is nothing. It may very well be that
one day I will awake to some grey creature probing my body or that I will
die and God will damn me to hell, (oops) so although I do not pursue any of
these ventures, I also do not disclaim them. (just in case theres a limbo)
Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
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"Nanotechnology: solutions for the future."