> From: Robert J. Bradbury <bradbury@aeiveos.com> wrote
> >True, but I can sift a body of evidence and create a reasonable
> >argument that the number of SIs hugely outweighs the number
> >of nearby civilizations at our level.
> <rest of post omitted for the sake of brevity>
> This was an extraordinary post. I appreciate the thought and effort
> Robert
> put into it. This type of post is one of the primary reasons I subscribe
> to
> this list. Thanks Robert.
> Doug Bailey
> doug.bailey@ey.com
> nanotech@cwix.com
Thanks, I would have missed that post otherwise.
Everyone who missed it, you're looking for "SETSIs (was Re: seti@home WILL NOT WORK)", Rob Bradbury.I received it on Thursday 8 July, 18:47, but I'm on the other side of the world to most of you - add 18 hours for US Pacific Time?
I guess I'll stop trying to get the SETI@home client throught our firewall...
Excellent lineage there by the way, Mr Bradbury.