RE: Web site up! (GUI vs. CLI)

Rob Harris Cen-IT (
Wed, 7 Jul 1999 11:36:52 +0100

> > Another example is the computer dweeb that swears blind that he
> > hates GUIs, and much prefers CLI. This is as transparent as hell. Comp
> > dweebs that are particularly sad love to feel superior through their
> > computer knowledge. With a CLI, any operation means having to know the
> > relevant command, acceptable parameters and so on. This takes a lot of
> time
> > - which is the edge that dweebs with no lives have over ordinary people.
> So
> > they learn all the ins and outs of these CLI languages like UNIX,
> rattling
> > out 5 line commands full of grep's and squiqqly things, feeling all
> > intelligent, as the layman onlooker is (supposed to be) impressed....
> I'm afraid I have to disagree here (being a UNIX dweeb for 25 years
> or so...). The fundamental reason CLI's exist is that when they
> were designed, the machines were slow, memory was small and the
> libraries to do GUI had yet to be written. My first year at college,
> when all the VDTs (video display terminals for those of you who don't
> go back that far...) were busy, I'd use a 300 baud teletype to put
> my programs into the computer. There were people who did "GUIs" for
> the VDTs and even the teletype, but the results were pretty poor.
> It has little to do with elitism and a lot to do with simple economics.
Yeah, I wasn't debating the source of the CLI, I accept your viewpoint completely. In the days of yore when GUI was out of the question or too slow due to performance constraints, of course CLI is the better option. I'm talking about today. I often use CLI too, but I don't continually profess my hatred for all things user-friendly, as many do. I was merely commenting on the attitudes held by some with the information/power. The GUI, CLI thing is just a well known example. I'm not saying that all old skool computer dweebs (I'm one too) are this way, just a notable proportion. Come on, you must have witnessed this attitude, it's hardly inconspicuous in IT circles......

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