I then intend to move on to a second, then a third, and so on. I may choose French or Japanese next as I have some familiarity with these.
I am currently training useing a module from the Random House living language series which has a textbook and 8 accompanying CD Roms. I also keep the TV or radio turned on to Spanish programming as background when I am at home.
Any and all comments or suggestions are most welcome.
I thought I'd share some charts I came across while researching this.
Languages spoken (In Millions) World U.S Language Local Total Language Total Mandarin 863 1,025 Spanish 17.33 Hindi 357 476 French 1.70 Spanish 352 409 German 1.54 English 335 497 Italian 1.30 Bengali 200 207 Chinese 1.24 Arabic 200 235 Tagalog Portugese 173 187 Russian 168 279 Japanese 125 126 German 99 126 French 75 127 Malay 57 170
Hasta Luego!
Member,Extropy Institute