My status with ExI

Kathryn Aegis (
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 09:34:53 -0700 (PDT)

I find myself answering the same questions in reply emails, so I thought I would briefly post a clarification of an earlier post to this list:

  1. It is true that I am no longer a member of ExI. It is not true that I left because of 'inappropriate email communications', and wherever that phrase originated I'm not sure I know what it means. I tend to focus on real-time matters, not electrons on a screen. (I do agree that postings like the recent 'babes' thread are inexecusable within a group of futurists. Heartfelt apologizies for that should be sent to the listserve involved, however, rather than to me...)
  2. No, I haven't been 'driven away from transhumanism', and will be reporting on some projects soon. If you had an interest in the media network project and have not yet contacted me, please do so soon. Also, the WTA has some exciting ideas that I would like to help put into action.

Take care,

Kathryn Aegis