Make Over $1,000 per month (For Real) Working 2-5 Hrs. a Week.
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 19:58:50 +0200 (MET DST)

Find out how you can earn over $1,000 per month.. Working Just 2-5 hours PER WEEK!

We have created a fun, easy to understand program to help you Make Money From Home, in your spare time! Here's an overview of how you earn Residual Income with minimal effort:

Don't let an opportunity like this pass you by. This is your chance to reduce your debt while building yourself a LIFETIME RESIDUAL INCOME.

When all is said and done, I have faith that you'll make the right decision.

Please Call 1-800-382-2712 ext. 1709-4900 and see why this is one of the best opportunities for anyone who wants to make extra money. Thank you for your time.

CALL TODAY: 1-800-382-2712 ext. 1709-4900

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