Robin Hanson wrote:
> I'll assume A universes
> have 10 humans + N stones, and B universes have just 10 humans.
> I don't want to work out the math for 1000 universes, but two should be
> enough to see what works. In that case there are four possible worlds:
> -- Two A "universes", with 2*(10+N) space-time slots, and "prior" of 1%.
> -- Two B "universes", with 2*10 slots, and "prior" 81%.
> -- An A and a B "universe," with 2*10 + N slots, and "prior" 9%.
> -- Another possible world that looks just like the last one.
> These "priors" are over worlds, but not necessarily over states.
Now, this seems clearly wrong. I conclude that you should not include all space-time slots in the reference class, but only those containing observers.