>I canīt believe that the "extropians" are discussing things such as
>gender and sex and female extropians...Spring time has gone!! :-)
Sorry if I offended anyone with my generalisations.
It was my first post and I didn't want to jump straight into the deep end
(as I am less
familiar with extropian lit than others here, my background being in
economics) so I
thought I'd start with something simple and work my way up
but I obviously should have picked a less contentious topic to open with .
I tried to write as impersonally and sensitively as possible, and I didn't
think that what
I merely tried to point out was anymore contentious than what we already
know from
Darwinian psychology.
BTW: I have read and enjoyed David Friedman's Machinery of Freedom
and Dawkins' Blind Watchmaker and am presently re-reading Tipler after
finding him
implausible the first time (perhaps more because of the language
he uses to try to appeal to theologians) and then reconsidering.