Michael Lorrey wrote:
> > > The point is that the 'Cute' factor is what
> > > sells animal rightism and vegetarianism
> > > (which is why many more women than men are
> > > one or the other).
> >
> > Lorrey, I've read a lot of arrogant sexist
> > bullshit on this list
> Unfortunately, your ad hominem attack is
> inaccurate in truth. The company I work for
> processes mailing lists for several of these
> activist organizations, and I can tell you that
> the female members outnumber male members by a
> ratio of at least 4 to 1. Those are the facts,
> not 'arrogant sexist bullshit' as you claim.
I think you'll find that the assumption that this is because of the "cute" factor is the reason for it being "arrogant sexist bullshit".