Groth-Marnat G. Leslie S. Renneker M.
School of Psychology, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia.
Tobacco control in a traditional Fijian village: indigenous methods of
smoking cessation and relapse prevention.
Social Science & Medicine. 43(4):473-7, 1996 Aug.
This case study outlines the unique process by which a village in Fiji (N =
238) developed and implemented an extremely successful community-based
smoking cessation program. Both Western smoking cessation methods and native
traditional rituals were used. Specific strategies included a group pledge,
village rapid inhalation ceremony, social contracting through notices and
media, and a tabu formalized through a kava ceremony.
Whereas the more conventional, external, health professional oriented
approaches were largely unsuccessful, longer term collaborative and village
empowerment methods proved most successful. Eventually all persons in the
village who smoked were able to give up smoking, with specific exceptions
(elders, visitors, etc.) and became nationally known as the village that gave
up smoking. Follow up evaluation at 9 and 21 months indicated sustained
success. Cases of relapse are described involving supernatural consequences
remedied by group and ceremonial methods. The socio-cultural context and
larger relationship issues are discussed in order to more fully understand
the effectiveness of the program.